The weather has certainly improved over the last couple months, it seems nearly impossible to think it was snowy and frigid just 60 days ago. We've planted a few flowers and plants on our "dashboard" and they are thriving. We've done a bit of spring cleaning and are excited for summer. We're in that part of the boating season that can best be described as a first kiss. For boaters who store their vessel in the winter there is planning and work and dreaming about what the summer will be like. Now is that time that the barn doors are opening, the trailer tires are being filled, the cranes are lifting boats in the water, and the engines are being fired up. It's that anticipation of summer, not knowing how great it's going to be, not knowing if the weather is going to be warm and sunny or stormy and unfair. Just like that first kiss, hoping for the spark, but unsure if it'll actually happen.
Green |
For those of you who read our last post we have a
LINK to the story that was done about us living aboard Cygnet by WGN Radio's show
Outside the Loop. Mike Stephen and Andy Hermann visited us a couple weeks ago to record the story and it aired on Saturday April 25th. They did a great job of telling our story, so take a listen and get a feel for the sounds of our voices and the marina.
We've had our first visitors of 2015! Colette's cousin DeAnne came to visit with her boyfriend Rashid as they cross the country from their residence in Telluride to visit DeAnne's girlhood home in Wisconsin and Rashid's stomping grounds in upstate New York. We were lucky enough to have them stay with us for a few nights and they seemed to enjoy the tight accommodations aboard Cygnet. We've had other couples use the forward stateroom before and they said it was fine, but we still worry that the bed is too small and the privacy isn't what many people are accustomed to. They both seemed to be alright with it and we enjoyed having them here. We were all talking about how strange it was that DeAnne is the farthest of all the relatives (other than Colette's dad Joe) but she was the first to visit and stay. Time to change that relatives! Alex, who is Colette and DeAnne's nephew joined us Tuesday night for some fun times aboard Cygnet and some great greek food at Greek Islands. Joining us for dinner were our neighbors Tim and Laura who we'll miss terribly as they departed yesterday for their summer slip in Milwaukee. We look forward to many other friends and family members coming to stay aboard this year!
From left Alex, Colette, DeAnne. Kevin is hiding. |
DeAnne, Rashid, Laura, and Tim. |
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