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Whatever floats your boat

When Cygnet first became ours we knew that the interior needed some updates. We also knew there are some things outside that need work, see our last post about the swim platform. We are working on making Cygnet feel like ours, and match our style. We get closer every day. Take a look at some of the pictures of the new salon and you get an idea of what we like. We love warm woods, leather and great textures and patterns. This is how we always pictured Cygnet and we're very happy to have the salon almost complete. All we need now is a painting that's in storage at Kevin's Mom's and a couch height replacement for the teak table.

Looking good!

This weekend we were happy to play host to our dear old friend Alan and his wonderful girlfriend Felicia. They are on an adventure even greater than us and we were thrilled to have them stay aboard Cygnet. We worry about the guest accommodations since the forward berth (bed) is a bit narrow, but Alan assured me they both slept like babies while aboard. They were great guests (they even washed our dishes!) and we welcome them anytime. We wish the best of luck to them and hope that the journey is equally rewarding as the destination.

Boys and Girls

The toilet saga

Back in July we told you about our toilet woes, and they still continue. The forward head has been "fixed" and does operate fairly well. It doesn't really hold water in the bowl, but everything else is operating so things are good enough for now.

The aft head however isn't doing as well. After having some friends over it became clogged and won't drain properly. The mechanism works fine, the problem (we think) is a clog somewhere in the line. Kevin disassembled the toilet twice and the head itself is all good, but there is a line that goes to the holding tank that seems to not be flowing. Kevin tried to clear it manually but the line has a fair amount of material inside since it's lower than the tank and that "material" comes back toward you when you open it up. Yes, this job is as gross as it sounds. This head has a pump so it can actually push material through the line vertically up to 12 feet. Whatever got in there is not coming out without a fight. We are hoping time, more plunging, and holding tank chemicals will eventually break it down. Wish us luck.

Kevin was able to get two things fixed this week! First was the ice maker, something essential on our boat. We had turned it on once and noticed it spewed water out the bottom. Kevin finally got around to checking out the problem and realized it was a disconnected hose. Now we have plenty of cooler ice! He also managed to troubleshoot the windlass. A windlass is a winch to pull the anchor up. On Two Wrights it was usually Colette who had to grab the anchor from storage, haul it up to the bow, slip it under the rail and toss it in. Then on taking it out she'd haul all the wet rope in and lift the heavy anchor out of the water, usually caked in silt, and clean it off. Then put it back in it's storage spot while the wooden rope holder rotted away. Cygnet has it all built in, no need to even touch the anchor. Drop it down, and when you want to pull it back up simply hit the button.

It works!

So, water we thinking about the work we've been doing? Some of it sucks. Some of it is great. We are still very happy with our choice to live aboard.  This weekend is the Chicago Air & Water Show and we are very excited to be out for that.


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