"Bro, I just got this sick new bowrider, bring your girl down on Saturday and let's party" This is a very common thing to want to do, show off your new toy. After all you probably paid a lot of money for your new boat and you want your friends and family to see and enjoy it with you. Boating is very often a social lifestyle and it's fun to spend time with people on the water. But if you're new to boating you need to take it slow. Just because your boat says it can handle ten people doesn't mean you should take ten people out on your first trip. Cygnet legally holds 42 people but we've never had that many. We usually cap it at 30 and prefer under 20. Our 22 foot SeaRay was rated for ten people and five was comfortable, six was crowded. Family on board, including the departed Beverly and Steve. Now that you've spent a few days practicing with someone it's time to take a group out. If this is a sailboat it will actually make thing...
Life aboard a boat in Chicago.