B ring O ut A nother T housand boat: [boht] noun/ 1. a vessel of any size used to for navigation on water. 2. a hole in the water you throw money into. The two best days in a boat owner's life: The day he buys a boat and the day he sells it. These are the types of things that everyone likes to remind us of. There is always something to do, and it usually involves money. Lots of money. When we talk to people about our adventure they love to hear all the juicy details and much of that includes costs. When you buy a house people don't immediately ask you how much you paid, it's impolite (that's what Zillow is for). They don't ask you what your electric bill is, or what setting you keep your heat/AC at. When you own a boat, especially one you live on, it's different. People somehow think there is a familiarity that goes with boats and that includes what it costs. We don't really mind, it isn't like we are super rich or super ...
Life aboard a boat in Chicago.